Dancing   in   Scotland

November  2024

Date & Time





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Friday 1st
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page





Saturday 2nd
8pm - 11pm

Largoward Village Hall, St Andrews Road, Fife KY9 1HZ

Music by Ewan Galloway. £7 at Door [tea & Biscuit] No Bar.

Contact: Norman 07961 43 7 615

Saturday 2nd
7.30pm - 11.30pm

Cochrane Hall, Cochrane Park, Alva FK12 5LJ

Music by John Morgan. £15 incl cold buffet. B.Y.O.B. Charity Ceilidh in Aid of Young Lives vs Cancer.  Let Mary know if you intend coming to the ceilidh (for catering)

Contact: Mary 01877 331 020 Email:- marymnv@aol.com





Thursday 7th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page





Friday 8th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page

Friday 8th
7pm for 7.30pm -

Masonic Hall, 56 Market Place, Carluke, ML8 4BP

Music by Iain Macphail. Tickets £8 incl. supper. Bar available and there is a raffle. Dances are a mixture of couple dances and some set dances. Organised by Carlike Highlanders.

Contact:- Margaret Barr 07711 529 079





Saturday 9th
7.30pm - 11pm

Macmerry Miners Club, Main Road, Macmerry, Tranent EH33 1QF

Music by Steven Carcary. Couples Dances and a few set dances. £7 at Door. [Tea & coffee at Interval]

Contact: Bob Buchan 07483 229 936

Saturday 9th
8pm - 11pm

Largoward Village Hall, St Andrews Road, Fife KY9 1HZ

Music by Johnny Duncan £7 at Door [tea & Biscuit] No Bar.

Contact: Norman 07961 43 7 615

Saturday 9th
7.30 - 10.30pm

Kingsmuir Hall, 6 Lownie Road, Kingsmuir near Forfar. DD8 2RT

Music by Wayne Robertson. £5 at Door. Raffle. Tea/coffee (please bring own cup) All Welcome. Couple & Set Dances.

Contact: Stewart McKay. 07944 509 153.

Saturday 9th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

Elderslie Kirk Halls, 284 Main Road, Elderslie PA5 9EF

Music by John Carmichael. £6 pay at door. Bring own drinks (non Alcoholic) and eats. Traditional ceilidh mix with piper and singer. Note change of venue from last year

Contact:- Mary Dargie 07710 162 087





Sunday 10th
7.30pm - 10pm

Muirhead & Birkhill Millennium Hall, Coupar Angus Road, Birkhill DD2 5QE

Music by Steven Carcary. £5 at Door. (Bring own cups) Set & Couples Dances. Raffle

Contact: Ernie or Joan 01382669 350 or 07940 259 661





Thursday 14th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page





Friday 15th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page

Friday 15th
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Linlithgow Academy Braehead Road Linlithgow West Lothian EH49 6EH

Live Band with caller Sheila McCutcheon. Tickets:- Adult £13 under 12yrs FREE. Organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop. This is now an annual event.

Contact:- https://scotchhop.org.uk/2024-autumn/





Saturday 16th
7.30pm - 11pm

Carrington Village Hall, Midlothian EH23 4LR (near Gorebridge)

Music by Johnnie Duncan Scottish Dance Band. Old Time Dancing. Cost £8 at Door. Bar, Raffle tea/coffee & a wee cake. carringtonVHA@outlook.com

Contact: 07747 635 073

Saturday 16th
8pm - 11pm

Largoward Village Hall, St Andrews Road, Fife KY9 1HZ

Music by George Rennie. £7 at Door [tea & Biscuit] No Bar.

Contact: Norman 07961 43 7 615

Saturday 16th

Strathbrock Commiunity Centre, 189A W Main Street, Broxburn EH52 5LH

Music by Steven Carcary & G. Bell. Livingston Highland Society Ceilidh Dancing. Members £6 Visitors £7. B.Y.O.B. Doors open from 6 pm.

Contact: John 01501 770 911 or Joyce 07840 619 253





Sunday 17th
2pm - 5pm .

Park Hotel, 61 John Street, Montrose DD10 8RJ

Music by George Rennie. Montrose Accordion & Fiddle Club Monthly Sunday Ceilidh. Pay at door £5. ( £1.25 extra for tea/coffee & biscuits )

Info from Ann LobbanTel:- 01674 675 242 Email:- annlobban11@gmail.com

Sunday 17th
2pm - 5pm

Milnathort Town Hall, 1 New Street KY13 9XT

Music by Lindsay Weir. Monthly Ceilidhs with proceeds to various charities. £5 Tea & biscuit. Raffle. Pay at Door.

Contact: Vi Todd 01577 863 244 or 07736 451 919





Friday 22nd
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page





Saturday 23rd
8pm - 11pm

Largoward Village Hall, St Andrews Road, Fife KY9 1HZ

Music by Wayne Robertson. £7 at Door [tea & Biscuit] No Bar.

Contact: Norman 07961 43 7 615

Saturday 23rd
7.30 - 10.30pm

Kingsmuir Hall, 6 Lownie Road, Kingsmuir near Forfar. DD8 2RT

Music by George Rennie. £5 at Door. Raffle. Tea/coffee (please bring own cup) All Welcome. Couple & Set Dances.

Contact: Stewart McKay. 07944 509 153.


Saturday 23RD
7.30pm - 11.30pm

Daviot Hall, Daviot Inverness IV2 5XL  CHANGE OF DATE FROM 30TH

Music from Dennis Morrison Scottish Dance Band. £7 at Door. [Tea/coffee] [Raffle] Cairngorm Ceilidh Dancers Group.

Contact: Patsy Thomson 01540 651 313





Sunday 24th
7.30pm - 10pm

Glencarse Village Hall, Perthshire PH2 7LX

Music by Scott Band. £4 at Door. (Bring own cups) Set & Couples Dances.

Contact Tel:-07753 366 760 or Margraet Morgan 01738 812 090





Thursday 28th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

Town Hall, Queen’s Gardens, St Andrews, KY16 9TA

Music by Pure Scotch Ceilidh Band. Tickets from EventBrite Website only in advance. £11.55. Instruction given.

Contact:- Via Website





Friday 29th
7.30pm - 10.30pm

British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL

Music by Canongate Cadgers Ceilidh Band. £10 at door. Bar. Suitable for beginners to experienced aged from 10+ . Caller available.

Contact:- 07815 741 699 or Facebook Page

Friday 29th
8pm - 11.30pm

Osprey Suite, Commodore Hotel, 112-117 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh G84 8ES

Music by Matthew MacLennanDuo. Tickets £12/Members £10 . Bar & Raffle.Tea/Coffee & biscuit available at interval (£2 cost) See Website http://www.helensburghhighlandassociation.org/Joomla15/

Contact: Anne Thorn 07490 274 871 am_thorn@hotmail.com





Saturday 30th
7.30pm - 12mn

Law Bowling Club, Lawmuir Road, Law, Carluke ML8 5JB

St Andrews Day Ceilidh. Music by Alan Crookston Band with Piper & Highland dancers, £15 Tea, raffle and bar. Fundraising for local Dance School. Contact for ticket.

Contact:- Shirley 07565 846 829

Saturday 30th
8pm - 11pm

Largoward Village Hall, St Andrews Road, Fife KY9 1HZ

Music by Steven Carcary. £7 at Door [tea & Biscuit] No Bar.

Contact: Norman 07961 43 7 615

Saturday 30th
7.30pm - 11pm

Seafield Community Centre, Redhouse Road, Seafield, West Lothian EH47 7AL

Music by Johnny Duncan. Scottish Dance Band. £6 [incl. Light supper] [No Bar - B.Y.O.B.]

Contacts Tel:- 01506 205 051 or 07790261 068.

Saturday 30th

Daviot Hall, Daviot Inverness IV2 5XL CANCELLED see 23rd

Music from Gavin Piper Scottish Dance Band. £7 at Door. [Tea/coffee] [Raffle] Cairngorm Ceilidh Dancers Group.

Contact: Patsy Thomson 01540 651 313









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